We work at the intersection of social impact, peace, and security, mitigating risks and achieving sustainability in challenging contexts
Credits: Shamsia Hassani, "Street Art".

"We want to enable our clients to forge a path towards responsible and impactul business operations. Recognising the unique challenges and opportunities in transition, fragile and conflict-affected regions, we set the conditions for transformative change, ensuring that growth in these areas is inclusive, sustainable, and anchored in respect and fairness for all."
Elodie Grant Goodey | Practice Lead
Human Rights Due Diligence
Human rights policy reviews, supply chain assessments, and benchmarking against evolving legal norms.
Impact Assessment and Checks
UNGPs-compliant, risk-based impact assessments and audits. Action-focused investigations into threats to human rights defenders.
UNGPs-compliant, risk-based impact assessments and audits. Action-focused investigations into threats to human rights defenders.
Grievance Mechanism Design
Design of UNGPs-aligned grievance systems, which are fit-for-purpose for specific operational contexts. Second tier dispute resolution addition to grievance management systems for high-risk projects.
Design of UNGPs-aligned grievance systems, which are fit-for-purpose for specific operational contexts. Second tier dispute resolution addition to grievance management systems for high-risk projects.
Social Investment Advisory
Conflict-sensitive strategies and plans aligned with site risks, emphasising community ties and social licence.
Conflict-sensitive strategies and plans aligned with site risks, emphasising community ties and social licence.
Social Performance Advisory
Design, development, and training in key social performance tools for operations in challenging contexts.
Design, development, and training in key social performance tools for operations in challenging contexts.
Responsible Sourcing
Supplier and supply chain audits, including commodities tracing, which are aligned to UNGPs-expectations.
Supplier and supply chain audits, including commodities tracing, which are aligned to UNGPs-expectations.
Training & Capacity Building
Tailored training modules on social impact and human rights for executives and site-personnel.
Tailored training modules on social impact and human rights for executives and site-personnel.
"We are dedicated to helping our clients to rebuild trust, empower communities, and foster sustainable peace, ensuring that even in transition, fragile, and conflict-affected areas, there's a clear pathway towards stability, prosperity, and development."
Sofia Carrondo | Group Director and Practice Lead

Dialogue and Conflict Resolution
Design processes, support teams, direct engagement, and advisory to mend stakeholder ties and resolve disputes. Visit Strategic Resolve for more information.
Social Licence Recovery
Support for re-entry into disputed areas. Advice on stakeholder engagement, trust building, and strategic interventions. Visit www.strategic-resolve.com for more information.
Conflict and Fragility Analysis and Sensitivity
Conflict and security assessments, hot-spot mapping, and impact analysis to understand risks to operations and programmes.
Early Warning and Response Systems
Design, implementation, and assessment of early warning systems that pre-empt and address potential triggers of violence or conflict.
Peace Building and Stabilisation
Design and implementation support for peace-promoting and stabilisation initiatives.
Training and Capacity Building
Practical, hands-on training on a range of conflict resolution, dialogue, and negotiation themes.

"In an increasingly complex global landscape, especially within transition, fragile, and conflict-affected areas, the importance of comprehensive security cannot be understated. We do this work because we believe that robust, human rights compliant, and ethical security measures are the cornerstone for sustainable operations and community well-being."
Martin Hannigan | Practice Lead
Risk Assessments
Geo-referenced security and human rights assessments for critical assets and operations.
VPSHR Reviews and Audits
Comprehensive reviews with actionable roadmaps to meet the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
IFC/WB Security Management
Tailored security management plans and governance systems aligned with IFC/WB standards using our Security Governance Maturity Assessment.
Force-Abuse Investigations
Discreet and rigorous investigations into potential misconduct by security personnel.
Community Security
Design and facilitated dialogue between communities and law enforcement agencies for collective safety and security.
Security Diplomacy
Design, accompaniment and facilitation of dialogue to enable ethical public security agreements for assets and operations.
Armed Group Interfacing
Advisory on engagements with non-state armed groups, ensuring alignment with government and business ethics.
Training and Capacity Building
Hands-on, digital and in-person training focused on security with human rights.
"In transition, fragile, and conflict-affected environments, the path to positive change is charted through evidence-based decision-making.We recognise the delicate nature of conducting research in such settings and ardently adhere to conflict-sensitive and "do no harm" principles. Our mission is not merely to gather information but to generate actionable insights that directly inform effective interventions."
David Nyheim | CEO and Practice Lead

Thematic Insights
Research across social impact, peace, and security, and other INCAS practice areas.
Field Assessments
Expert data collection and analysis in challenging regions, strengthened by the use GIS technology and specialised field teams.
Specialised research into criminal economies, commodities, and indirect terrorist finance to ensure adherence to legal requirements and IFC/World Bank standards.

"Our purpose in offering strategic communications services stems from a profound recognition of the power of narratives. In transition, fragile, and conflict-affected environments, the stories we tell can either unite or divide, foster collaboration or inhibit problem-solving, and deeply influence perceptions and understandings. We are committed to harnessing this power to pave the way for effective problem-solving and to catalyse positive impacts across all our practice areas."
Dr Vefa Veisalova | Group Advisor and Practice Lead
Rumour Control
Design and development of social listening systems to track and debunk misinformation.
Social Pulse
Monitoring company social standing and risks related to vital assets and operations.
Crisis Preparation
Advisory and training for robust communication plans and staff resilience in crisis situations.
Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement
Research to identify key players and design for tailored stakeholder engagement and effective communication strategies.
Public Dialogue
Strategy design and action planning, along with accompaniment of public dialogue efforts to enable social cohesion, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Training and Capacity Building
Hands-on training modules for confident media and stakeholder interactions, especially in crises.
"At the core of driving meaningful change in transition, fragile, and conflict-affected regions is the ability to accurately assess impact. We recognise the challenges of monitoring and evaluating in these areas, emphasising conflict sensitivity and 'do no harm' principles. Whether evaluating social investments in business or analysing the effects of public sector humanitarian, development, and peace-building programmes, we apply the highest standards. Our reports are clear, accessible, and delivered by teams trained in secure and responsible research methods."
Gudrun Van Pottelbergh | Practice Lead

Evaluability Assessments
Assessment and design of evaluability frameworks for programmes, including actions to enable effective assessments.
M&E Systems
Design and development of OECD/DAC-aligned monitoring and evaluation systems, including the identification of key indicators and data sources.
Social Investment Reviews
Impact assessment of community and social programmes with emphasis on alignment to risk management priorities.
Programme Evaluations
Evaluations of public sector humanitarian, development, and peace-building programmes using OECD/DAC criteria.
Training and Capacity-Building
Design and delivery of training in M&E and impact assessment to public and private sector clients.

"Our purpose with all our training projects is to equip key individuals and organisations with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need so the foundation is set for long-term, positive change."
David Nyheim | CEO and Practice Lead
We offer comprehensive training solutions, which include the design and delivery of tailored capacity building programmes across the themes covered by our Practices. Training is delivered both in-person and online.
Value Proposition
We are seasoned practitioners who know how to train; not just trainers with a bit of experience. Our applied experience feeds into the creation and execution of our training and capacity-building work ensuring quick and real-world relevance to our clients.