The Kivu provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have long been embroiled in conflict,...

Conflict sensitivity is essential to understand the dual impact of conflict—both on business...

Imagine a world where art transcends language and cultural barriers, fostering peace and...

Progress on the Provision of Remedy for Harms

This Practice Note provides five lessons learned from supply chain due diligence and...

I have a view – one I admit has evolved over time into something of a prejudice – that...

Elizabeth is focused on helping businesses on social and human rights impact and risk management,...

What is a social license?
For businesses that have international operations and assets,...

We sat down with Dr Vefa Veisalova (who we like to call Vivi), the INCAS Strategic Communications...

Our Strategic Communications Practice Lead, Vefa Veisalova caught up with Rozhgar Mustafa, a...

INCAS uses AI judiciously in its operations. We recognise that as the technology matures, it will...

Back in 2003, in a small South London flat, four friends embarked on a journey that would redefine...

Why think about social cohesion in Ukraine now?
Ukrainian society, like many others, contends with...

Our recent LinkedIn post on UN negotiations training provided by INCAS was followed by a surge in...